The terms used throughout the platform and their definitions
When a machine is either active or idle. The ignition is on and the machine is considered on.
When a machine is on and working. This is usually measured by rms, a higher rms is considered as active.
When a machine is on but not actively working. This is usually measured by rms, a lower rms is considered as idle.
The percentage of time the machine is active vs the total hours a machine has been on.
Use vs Contract
The percentage of hours the machine has been used for vs the agreed rental hours for the period selected. This is based on a standard rental agreement of 10 hours per day Monday to Friday, and 50 hours per week (unless otherwise stated).
Vs previous period
Variance 'vs previous' period is calculated by the taking the difference between the current date period selected and the exact same time period directly prior to that selected. E.g. 7th - 9th May will be compared to 4th - 6th May, and 4th - 10th May will be compared to 27th - 3rd May.
The re-sending of data from a sensor that was not received when it was first sent due to the machine being out of range of the gateway.
Asset ID
The identification code assigned to an organisations asset.
MaxActive - LoRa Sensor
A battery powered device that collects machine activity data and sends it wirelessly over a LoRa network to a gateway.
LoRa stands for Long Range and is a low-power wide-area wireless network technology. At MachineMax, we use LoRa to transmit machine data between our sensors and the gateways.
A device that sits between the LoRa wireless network and the internet, forwarding data between them. If LoRa sensors are used there must be a gateway in range for the system to work.
MaxActive - Cellular Sensor
A battery powered device that collects machine activity data and sends it directly to the internet using the cellular network. No gateway is required for this device to work.
A device that tracks the machine location and sends it to the internet using the cellular network. This device is powered by connecting it to the equipments battery terminals and so has indefinite life span.
The ability to receive data around the location of a machine.
Device ID
The unique indentification code for a sensor.