Platform functions
Look out for the search bar when available to search contextually within in the page, we’ll match your query with the relevant results helping you find just what you need, when you need it.

Our filters will help you drill down to see exactly the choices you need. For example, use filters to see specific machinery by customers, or by a certain OEM.

Date picker
Want to see data for a specific date, or a date range? Use the date picker in the top right to choose the range you need, once chosen we’ll use this choice across the platform.

Summaries & variance
Our summary cards help you see the top level data at a quick glance, check the label to see whether the data is total or average and keep an eye out for our variance indicators, this shows the change either up or down for the same metric over vs the previous date period.

Click the table headers to sort your data how you want. Want to see machines based on most idling to least? Click the Idle column to order the table by this metric.

Deep dive
Click on a row in any of our tables to deep dive into the next level. If you’re viewing the site table click that site to see all the machines associated to it. Click on a machine from the machine list to view its own profile and see information about the machine and it’s last location (if supplied).

Download custom reports using the data you require. Select the download icon, configure your dates and the data you wish to view and press download. Some files may be quite large depending on your selection options and may take some time to prepare.